
Stream Mondo’s Killer ‘Synthier Things’ Playlist Now

Mondo, purveyor of all things excellent, has been cultivating a playlist of dark synth score pieces that absolutely kills.

Ostensibly inspired by Stranger Things and other dark fare, Mondo’s Synthier Things playlist features the likes of SURVIVE, one-half of which composed the score for the popular Netflix show, along with Goblin, John Carpenter, Clint Mansell and Antoni Maiovvi. Julian Winding’s dark disco cut “The Demon Dance” from Nicolas Winding Refn’s The Neon Demon is also on the list.

Also present are Code Elektro (AKA Martin Ahm) and Ben Lovett, two composers who’ve done Vehlinggo interviews at some point. From Elektro, we get an exquisite cut called “Impactor” off his latest LP, Wolf. Lovett’s presence manifests as “Absence of Paradox,” a cue from his score for the sci-fi film Synchronicity. Lovett talked about the score and other things with Vehlinggo this past spring.

For the curious types, the Carpenter songs that pop up include the Escape from New York theme and a cut from Halloween III. Goblin shows up in the form of a Christine remix of “Profondo Rosso.” The SURVIVE cut is “A.H.B.,” the first single off their forthcoming RR7349 LP. Hell, there’s even a Pye Corner Audio cut on the playlist.

Listen now, please. You’ll love it.

(After you burn through that list, check out Vehlinggo’s sunnier, poppier, but still interesting, Modern Saints & Synthers.)

(Feature Photo: Promo for Carpenter’s 1981 film Escape from New York.)

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