
The Midnight Return with Transcendent New Single ‘Lost Boy’

One of the best and most beloved synthwave acts, The Midnight, are back with the truly stunning new single “Lost Boy.”

The duo of Tim McEwan and Tyler Lyle — featured in an in-depth interview on Vehlinggo last fall — have again crafted colorfully emotive musical soundscapes, touching lyrics, and evocative vocals that transport you into the realm of a “deeper hidden meaning.”

The pre-chorus and chorus combo, especially, provides an elevated sense of interconnectedness and introspection:

Hold me till I’m not lonely anymore/ 
It’s only the crashing of the ocean to the shore. 

Because in the dark there are no strangers/ 
There are no strangers at all.

With each new release, the band is clearly becoming more and more confident in their craft and tapping deeper into the fascinating creative tension that comes from having a duo with such different musical backgrounds — McEwan with pop and R&B and Lyle from the Nashville persuasion. (Read that interview for more information on their great back story.)

I have chills just thinking about this song. You can pick it up on their Bandcamp page. They’re also selling vinyl versions of previous releases. The Midnight will be on tour in North America and Europe this fall and next winter.

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